Strategy and Policy Advisor
Andrew D’Uva is President of Providence Access Company, a government affairs, technology, and satellite consultancy. He has supported international commercial satellite and telecommunications businesses on the regulatory, policy, legal, operational and business fronts for more than two decades, with a present emphasis on government services, information assurance, and cybersecurity in support of national security missions. Satellite clients have included key communication satellites owner-operators, trade organizations, and U.S. Federal agencies.
D’Uva coordinates the activities of the SATCOM Industry Group (SIG), dedicated to improving the communications capabilities afforded in support of U.S. national security missions and helped instantiate the DoD’s Commercial Integration Cell (CIC). D’Uva was the principal editor of the most recent National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee Satellite Task Force Report, and is U.S. industry chair of the Commercial Space INFOSEC Working Group of the NSA/DISA. He was a founding executive of New Skies Satellites (now SES) and an attorney at Willkie Farr & Gallagher.