Space Data Association T.S Kelso Award 2023 Open for Nominations

17 May, 2023 | News

T.S.Kelso Award 2023

Ballasalla, Isle of Man, 17th May 2023 – The Space Data Association (SDA) has announced that the prestigious third T.S. Kelso Award is now open for nominations.  

The T.S. Kelso Award is presented annually by the SDA to an individual or a group of individuals, to recognise outstanding contributions to space flight safety. The award celebrates substantial, innovative, long-term, and practical original contributions to the advancement of space safety, and the preservation of the space environment. 

The outstanding contribution or achievement may be in one or more of the following space disciplines: operations, applied research, technology, law, or policy. Previous winners are Dr Holger Krag of the European Space Agency (ESA), and the inaugural winner and award namesake, Dr. T.S Kelso. 

Joe Chan, Chairman, the Space Data Association, commented: “There are many individuals, teams and organisations across the space industry who through their dedication, enthusiasm and innovation, have truly made a difference to space flight safety. With the T.S Kelso award, the SDA are recognising and celebrating this outstanding contribution.” 

The SDA welcomes nominations via the website along with a description of the contribution(s) made by the nominee(s) and rationale for the award. The closing date for nominations is 30th June 2023.

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